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Are you looking to make positive changes to your personal financial situation? If so, you are in the right place.

My name is Todd Lash and I am the Founder of Financial Quadrant. Like many people I have made some good financial choices and some that were not so good. When looking for information or solutions to a financial problem there were so many different points of view. The "experts" were so expensive or they only wanted to manage my investments, which I did not have at that point. Eventually I was lucky enough to find the right answers.

I wanted to help others avoid the trial and error process that I went through so I took action. Today I am a Certified Personal Financial Consultant by the NFEC (National Financial Educators Council) and started Financial Quadrant.

People needed a way to get the answers they are looking for as well as have the opportunity to enter an affordable complete personal financial coaching program.  The courses here give you the option to take the course only or add on coaching sessions. This makes it affordable to fit any budget.

Our Complete Coaching Program packages are for those that want to take a deep dive into their personal finances starting with a financial assessment that covers 31 key areas, offers different amounts of coaching and much more.

Take some time to look at all the courses and packages we offer. Make sure you take advantage of your free personal consultation (nothing will be offered or sold during your consultation) to ask all of your questions and see if we can work together. I look forward to speaking with you.

Financial Coaching

What is it and do I need it?

Why are some athletes better than others? Sure natural ability plays a part but in most cases it comes down to having a great coach. The players physically play the game, score the points and provide defensive opposition but the coach educates them, helps develop a strategy and encourages the players to be the best they can be.

Financial Coaches do the same thing. A coach does not do things for you, they provide education, direction and accountability. It is your money and you stay in total control of it. The final say on things is always yours, your coach is there to help you reach your financial goals.

So what are the differences between a financial advisor/planner and a financial coach? A coach cannot sell you investment products or manage your investments, a financial advisor/planner does. Many planners/advisors charge  a percentage fee of the money that is managed (whether you make money on the investment or not) a coach charges up front very clear fees for their services.

Financial Quadrant offers courses in many areas of personal finance that most planners/advisors do not offer. In our complete coaching package we give you a report covering over 31 key areas of your personal financial situation, help you identify most critical areas to focus on, and help you set personal goals that fit the lifestyle you want to live. Reaching your personal finance goals is our top priority.

To find out more and see if Financial Quadrant's complete coaching program is right for you schedule your FREE consultation now. If you know what you need help with already check out our courses.

Personal Consultation

Free online meeting for potential clients.

This 30-minute financial consultation call is dedicated 100% to helping and supporting you. No products will be offered or sold during this consultation. After the meeting, you will receive information on how you can continue to work with Financial Quadrant who is committed to helping you strengthen your finances by providing support, guidance, and education.



Todd Lash

Like most people I have had financial challenges at different points in life. I have been married for 27 years, have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Trying to make the best financial decisions for my family was not always easy. It was difficult to find the answers to my questions and reliable information to solve issues (big and small). Everyone I talked to seemed to have a different opinion about what to do. Over the years I made some good choices and some that were not so good. I decided that I needed to make sure that my children would not have to go through the same financial trial and error, so I made notes that I could share with them. Then it hit me, why stop there, I could help other people too. That is why I started Financial Quadrant. I am a Certified Personal Financial Coach through the NFEC (National Financial Educators Council) which required intense training, exams and background check. I look forward to working with you and helping you reach your financial goals.